Signed in as:
Applicants must be a female high school student residing in the 08055 zip code
Applicants must be pursuing a higher degree of learning (college/trade school).
Applicants must have at least a 3.0 grade point average.
An unofficial copy of transcript must be included.
Application must be completely filled out and emailed with the essay.
Applicant’s name must NOT appear on the essay.
AWARD: $1500 Scholarship
Deadline for application ~ March 10, 2025
2025 Essay Topic ~
"Describe how your experiences in volunteering and community service have influenced your character, leadership abilities, and overall perspective on life.”
Email your application, essay, and copy of transcript to Annahita Ghassemi
Claudia Koch, a senior at Shawnee High School, will be attending The College of Charleston and is currently undecided as to her major although she is leaning toward one of the sciences. Good Luck Claudia!
Why is community service important in today's society and
how does it impact the volunteer and the recipient? Please tell
us about a community service activity that you have participated
in that has meant the most to you and why.
Community Service is incredibly important in today’s
society. There are so many people in need, and the work of one
person can make a lasting difference in the life of another. Not
only that, but volunteering can give one a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Since I was in Kindergarten I have been in Girl Scouts, in
which I have done many community service projects. One of the
most meaningful to me of all of the projects I have pursued was
one I did in sixth grade: I decided to build a 'Little Free
Library' in my community as my Girl Scout Bronze Award project.
I had seen one while on a road trip with my family, and had
thought it was such a good idea. Since there is no public
library within Medford Lakes, I thought, 'wouldn't it be great
to create something that gives people access to free books
within walking distance of their house?' So, I discussed my idea
with a couple of other girls in my troop and we got to work.
We first got permission from the town council, and we then
built the 'Little Library', deciding to paint it a forest green
to mirror the foliage of our community. After building the
library we collected books from our families, friends, and
community. Finally, it was time to install the library in Leon
E. Todd Memorial Park and fill it with the books. In the next
few months after its completion, I began to see more and more
patrons of our 'Little Library'. When passing by the park I
often saw parents with their children, picking out a book to
read. This was so special for me, and made me feel that what I
had done had actually made a difference in my community, and in
people's lives. Then, I began to see more “Little Libraries” pop
up around my community, built by people who had been inspired by
mine. This made me feel so proud. My 'Little Library', as well
as all of the others in my town, still stand today, and I hope
that they will bring people joy for years to come.
Claudia Koch ~ College of Charleston
Sidney Bernhardt ~ Millersville University
Riley Phipps
Mackenzie Kelleher ~ University of Notre Dame
Alayna Burns ~ Duke University
Charlotte Mandy
Sydney Wheeler ~ University of South Carolina & Caroline O'Rorke ~ Penn State
Teressa J. Fircak ~ Rowan University
Kimberly Dickinson
Emma Faulkner